今天收信,收到FM Blog寄來的..開進去看,就發現我的愛人art show~超級超級開心的..馬上在文章下頭送上+2Kudos好久沒去他的網站看了~去看之下連圖片都改成了這個,把它的網增添了不少感覺 我喜歡~他寫在部落格的文章,也一起PO上來吧!!哈哈..好久沒看他寫東西摟~昨天去LP的NETWORK也有看到新東西..
這回她跟 DC 合作的鞋子,還不錯看說,只要是愛人做的我都愛拉~看到他的ART SHOW..超級想去的

Mike Shinoda is excited to announce his latest exhibition of artwork, titled Glorious Excess (Born) this July in Los Angeles!

Mike will be showing nine all-new pieces that blend his personal experiences in the spotlight with pop commentary and classical vanitas influences. Following a central character through various facets of celebrity life, the exhibition explores the motivations behind contemporary society's fascination with fame, excess and instant gratification: from the unique perspective of an outsider on the inside of rock superstardom.

If you're in Los Angeles, stop by the Japanese American National Museum on Friday, July 11 during 8-10pm for the Opening Reception & Autograph Signing! Special Glorious Excess programs will be available for purchase. Fans that purchase the program will have the chance to meet Mike at the special autograph signing and to get the program personally signed. Also, LP Underground members who purchase the program will have the chance at first-in-line passes. If you're in the LPU, check out
www.lpunderground.com now for details on how to request first-in-line passes. If you're not already in the LPU, join now at www.lpunderground.com!

Mike's new DC remix shoe will also be available starting July 1. To see a sneak peek of the new DC remix shoe designed by Shinoda, check out his blog
here. All proceeds from sales of his artwork and footwear go toward the Michael K. Shinoda Endowed Scholarship at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA.
A second show entitled Glorious Excess (Dies), will be featured in the Japanese American National Museum's Miyawaki and Watanabe Galleries January 24 through March 22, 2009. Look out for more info on Glorious Excess (Dies) in the near future.

Glorious Excess - Born: July 2008 + Dies: January 2009


sponsored by DC Shoes, the James Irvine Foundation, Wemix.com, Machine Shop Marketing
Where: the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles, CA.
When: Opening Reception & Autograph Signing on July 11th 8-10pm;
Exhibition runs July 12 - August 3.

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